5818 I2P - Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau


From Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau

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I2P-related services & software (right now this is only notes on which topics to write articles on - sorry!)

  • Blogs:
    • eepsites :S
    • add blog software (Syndie)
  • Chat
    • IRC @ irc.postman.i2p
    • I2P-Messenger (Qt)
  • Torrent
    • I2PSnark
      • The Snark client is a magnet-link enabled app integrated into the router itself.
    • Robert
  • Email:
    • Susimail: A webapp shipped with I2P that provides a webmail interface for anonymous mail exchange
      • The mailservers used by Susimail are run by "postman", an anonymous person from the I2P development team. Whether you should use this depends on how much you trust postman not to snoop on your messages. The use of PGP-encryption or similar can help protect you at least against him reading the mails' content, however not against snooping the mails' subjects nor against making communications profiles.
    • I2P-Bote: Reeeeally cool, decentralized serverless and end-to-end-encrypted (including the mail subjects) e-mail system using DHT and public-key encryption (under development - no mails to/from internet yet, but planned. works stable)
      • is really cool to play with, but remailer functionailty (see mixmaster) is not yet fully debugged.
      • Attachments only up to 500KB supported
      • TODO: check key size used & wait for bugs to be fixed

The Telecomix script

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# run like: *script* *.i2p data folder for the user running i2p*
# example: ./telecomix_script.sh /root/.i2p
if [[ -n "$1" && -d "$1" && `ls $1 |grep addressbook` ]]; then
echo Using $1
echo Adding I2P-Bote contact information for the telecomix crew
echo -e "nySC0seBvYpcBnswWtxE-VD6FqrRDTeaJtlzWuTi9cF4Eo8PQ0SL42HUhb8B~HEOWbo0zAw91LoSCF6UK4F5DBLzf2NPe9rWz2zJE2fVWrXHTM9SpgG7t5SToW927hdB5zE8uwyjBqO45kehq~8nZ5YSu5yaIAtoXfBRQz9sHvuP6CXmC3G1nekUNeUpFudniH9Rf9gaYToDF8kBmDLl7-OjJur7GVMfhzneJDxtMhzCATA8gSoiixjufkuRUFrX6uIhCFmrtcKq-rut1kJMqKAmd1hnxbfkiZik5rXChzc3raSgnjsNUDNGsRPL0eNo~uBIhUVMz4DCkH7-vm3jqicZWo4kGO89KacpohdOKNI10l0nxas1-F6HCb7SX2xnx6GgTRaJSzX0sy9Gg9f6xP~WgD9abo~HQulJZj-8LBvshCYTEvhyk0bSg9eltnBi5m6hMsR8Md2ablFK1D6Lt1~LRwkdBtV8o7HTaogrKCWuYHJh9Wl0S6jU6Pux4gy5\tAgent Pragmatk (Telecomix)">>"$1/i2pbote/addressBook.txt"
echo -e "qNTX6GGAohHM7yoiina~6LT-vvzn3TOAFlL0BP~bY4a6Q0AhhJcOtW7d-AoxKfyyd39hnuQaMSDFKYjXCKFIDZx84dIfme608H~VIUye-sAJkxtSfKvW7~lbDFnjerplp2p0uOV0OaLTs8BorUTkDZjEBF-1NckH5T7gqrNydBrWqdKpQNlyYnNrvoiMmq3MkkwFc7YuHy4-OAnVfpv9HNtrkpbawWfiK8YPl4sUv73KIRl048USrrRzannk6s8cSnt-8tKsDJ5WzH4zAl-6w1okc0oMn7x~E5~fCrSMVTOzLrTOjm5Fz73gBdThSvt1jS5hkPeNb3MOwimn0Yu7LAAg4vk8ken14nbXFXHb5PabKVLfF8rYLX0Vt4FpWdcho6uXLMNywwfhaOUanq-8V~PFtcjZRprrRlHF-ygbbRlns1c3ZwHI10-MlXbHFgvuxK9FrKdUAf23kHG-QaGZhoA7NZUHdfxsfVM6FZjbuy~RLXMHaYqS5SDcHHvnrhiI\tAgent chrisk (Telecomix)">>"$1/i2pbote/addressBook.txt"
echo -e "XY1spHmfxXesySrgcMXyiJoy3KGFofSrXgciiQ2Ls0PbfompjsNVssCZwkgDgRSX3xoxD0IMpS~~TdbcgZ94jMS7yiFTT9yAokDmjdym1b4UbXoJKSQGKmuaH5guljy6z~paOeFq6SXe~FlFNiZr7T-QSu4k0iinqKjUToA31UK17HPbwp4aK2kWCTULBJndoWVRnpLOpDFQyKHdKaHht-dLeNV5QNk~jnU4e7V73TqhqdEtf9zpc2VIdrVjsQza2AdEqJUtj20ggMiqhOhgW3FCA9F7dEHZx-QVZzsqfmgRbcZo6XYv37qwNVfXTagQLXj4qqt8nHiEJUkxzjFsvUWfdFWpBPRZHkiAgbAX7CNMk-Pb6iICFB3XEguX167TcB6RgRjsgRzU-pM-9vPIz0nAXrppJvS0t3YSfWyAezGuVCh7Ca224c3GARWUAXVoxoawn~zOZ6faAoTZLlbzqDJrfau1eYD-okcyV3dOyJfausn4e~lLt8O98vctAzVZ\tAgent xor (Telecomix)">>"$1/i2pbote/addressBook.txt"
echo -e "d6yqZMR6orF428tF-gUJbGNzg-O3Lkm6Fv3LCBCaP2dmmT3xiTq-eBEag7OwhtbekAM~DRCSIQExUhaW7JCxYP5JCjTzY5oH-w13PAqMgGIhGeoGds1S~xv9LznjuDSVQYvyfQqYLIkqe7jPK3kTdIPqGRYmnTFfFLgRVmiGbAxBKWYTu6ImIgacjZzFczBBdkIf9MPO2gfkATgmX01YzbgU3v9rLGb3auEo7nO5ZJ80y8l4rGP4B2K-CcbzSuc9orTIv9eH5SDG3sQXuShLSoJVfmo7MQjOUCXgUsEH8s05EiL46n9ehaG~Btnbk5Unvr5IPhSxfGiGMlTFIA6z-GTavZGCaG2Rbw~T2u6l7U-mWrcleaoJpH8kKkhY~z7a-Ol7Km9ekHzBvxHN9lBWRCat5CGiy8OxINsdwbCF7w5pFLioUF9NPuZpLq4fAjUHq4M0Ap~d61TlMT0bG41hd1pKyhKf3OEE1J0jpyMIe1ugQgYB~E9bCqqmqoO-CBE3\tAgent jwalck (Telecomix)">>"$1/i2pbote/addressBook.txt"
echo -e "vUIkFf54-znx3T5d8vaPMBDrw1thsYilAxht-nDJqB5VuxBv5SlrDkHcE4j2UNzNjX8sDoSpFwoU9IKT-LF5eMU5XfsKupp4EtXrPdzpUmGWykBD04~nhjHV483HndCyX3GeGpXEILk5ppq12YJjOR1dJpX9PR7wn2baJPKpPue75D1vaYMYCQd9MrCN9Dhc8P~iUCmNRhf0gIyaHV5ExFwZ2ITh9CDIXjKQmWxBmHka4F4Bg4SVxqgu2P0-ZEqG0aP1ywHlQbhezxoNk2EFoh98hvWUeQPpTQ5387N5Srdl7s5NJ789RExWVtpVOB~Q9jqrrz8fi5BYyjnkxg48JCYyzJNWdr1s4nbWQ4hGKF0dmOjpjEC4lLpZbDlQ9WgPF~vWht~1xviV8ej3AEo8r4Un56plzehp41CJKJxkBheJtf7P0pe2b1LIdakBZVuqGl3gbFXHNMvYE9GnB-Sh1aQRkmruuPoG7ReC~t4mSv8nVUnGdroXbQ5P~GgHY~s3\tWeRebuild.eu info">>"$1/i2pbote/addressBook.txt"

echo Adding address book subscriptions
echo http://cipherspace.i2p/addressbook.txt>> "$1/addressbook/subscriptions.txt"
echo http://i2host.i2p/cgi-bin/i2hostetag>> "$1/addressbook/subscriptions.txt"
echo http://stats.i2p/cgi-bin/newhosts.txt>> "$1/addressbook/subscriptions.txt"
echo http://tino.i2p/hosts.txt>> "$1/addressbook/subscriptions.txt"
echo The passed directory, "$1", does not look like an i2p homedir to me.


[edit] Counteracting memory creep

Since the I2P router runs in Java, strange things can happen. Sometimes its memory use can creep upwards, leaving your server gasping for MOAR RAM. Not to worry though. There's a quick way to keep your server purring like a lolcat day in and day out. Add the below line to your crontab, substituting in the right directory for your i2prouter script, and if you feel like it changeing the frequency of reboots. A good crontab reference can be found here.

0 0 * * 0 /path/to/your/i2prouter restart &> /dev/null

This reboots your router at midnight at the beginning of every week and sends all logs and info to /dev/null, where they belong.

And don't worry, the default restart command gives I2P 15 seconds to close down, so your friends in the tunnels won't be left stranded without you.

[edit] Installing i2p

First we need to install Java :

 :~$ sudo apt-get install default-jre

Then download the last version of i2p http://www.i2p2.de/download

 :~$ wget {insert the link of the version you want to download}

Now we install i2p

 :~$ java -jar i2pinstall_{version}.jar

To run i2p we need to go in the i2p directory

 :~$ cd /usr/local/i2p/

And start i2p

 :~$ sh i2prouter start

If you want to go with i2p on the Telecomix IRC, https://cryptoanarchy.org/wiki/IRC#I2P_.26_IRC

[edit] Making adjustments for high bandwidth router

If you are generous with your bandwidth, and today many can be, you may need to adjust the settings of your router if it crashes when the number of peers rise. Try the following:

  • Raise java heap memory to 512 or 756 MB in wrapper.config
  • Raise the number of active files in /etc/security/limits.conf on linux with this line to 4096 or more:
    * hard nofile 4096
  • On set these parameters to sane values you like:
    • i2np.ntcp.maxConnections=2000
    • i2np.udp.maxConnections=2000
    • router.maxParticipatingTunnels=10000
  • Restart server

Warning! A high bandwidth router will produce substantial amounts of traffic. Be careful you do not exceed the limits of your ISP. A program such as vnstat may come in handy.

[edit] Environment

I2P is implemented through Jetty and consequently written in Java. Version 0.9 moved to Jetty6. The reference implementation of Java is not Oracle but OpenJDK. The core developers are a group of anonymous coders, reachable on irc and forums on the network. Source is open and accessible. The CVS used is Monotone.

Statistics of the network can be found on http://stats.i2p . As of September 2012 the number of active routers moves between 12K and 16K. The number of floodfill routers are roughly 250.

[edit] Events

In 2011 the Russian site Rusleaks moved to i2p which dramatically increased the number of routers. In 2012 the Piratebay also entered the realm.

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