3fa8 Ngircd - Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau


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ngircd (ngIRCd) is an IRC server. Its written in C and runs in most unixes.


[edit] Installing

How to install ngircd.

[edit] Simple

apt-get install ngircd, or similiar :)

[edit] From source

0: get the software from developer git

git clone git://ngircd.barton.de/ngircd.git

1: optional: make changes to source code

Notice: This patch only works in standalone mode atm!!! no networking is possible between servers. If you want to, you can enable anonymous<->pseudonymous coexistance mode by applying the XorPatch. Either you do it by hand (like shown just below) or you just download the source code with patches already applied and goto step 2 with it.

XorPatches.diff contains the diff file for the above changes. since the latest updates of ngircd this file has been deprecated!

git clone git://ngircd.barton.de/ngircd.git
cd ngircd
wget http://kaos.cryptoanarchy.org/XorPatches.diff
patch -p1 < XorPatches.diff

then goto next step:

2: generate config program

cd ngircd

3: optional: read about config options

./configure --help

4: you probably want SSL encryption

./configure --with-openssl

or if that does not work

./configure --with-gnutls

5: compile ngircd


6: optional: install ngircd automagically (also installs man files)

make install

to uninstall it later:

make uninstall

7: optional: install ngircd manually

  • the ngircd binary is named ./src/ngircd/ngircd after compile is successful. move it somewhere.
  • type ./ngircd --help to get info on what it requires to run (not much)

[edit] ngircd.conf

locate the file, open it and read it. then make those changes you like to make :d

its probably at /etc/ngircd or /usr/local/etc/ngircd

man ngircd.conf has more info :)

[edit] Enable anon channels

If you are using XorPatches, in the config file, add this to [FEATURES].

	DNS = no
	Ident = no
	pam = no
	ScrubCTCP = yes      # silent drop CTCP commands (no ctcp version or file sharing, no ip leak)
	MorePrivacy = yes    # remove logon time, idle time and some other
	AllowAnon = yes      # allow anon channels + pseudo/anon coexistance mode ("/mode +a" in #example)

[edit] make SSL ciphers

...um? i forgot how.

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