UAV signal analyst working with target selection
From Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau
Notice: This guys identity can not be confirmed. It might be a troll.
- UAV = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- IED = Improvised Explosive Device.
13:02 -!- ISRHawk [~ISRHawk@chameleon] has joined #telecomix 13:02 < lulztomte> Message from pettter - ISRHawk: out of curiousity: what are you doing in this chan? 13:02 < lulztomte> Message from [tinman] - ISRHawk: You smell like a UAV. 13:02 < ISRHawk> did those just come through? 13:02 < lulztomte> Message from [tinman] - ISRHawk: You smell like a UAV. 13:03 < TheCheese> they must have left them a while a go 13:03 < ISRHawk> oh 13:03 < ISRHawk> well for the record, I'm here because I support the cause and I recognize that there is something wrong with the US government and that the world is generally in a state of crisis. 13:03 < marcink> :D 13:04 < ISRHawk> and I feel that I can offer a unique perspective into certain world events being that I am an active duty intelligence analyst for the US Air force 13:07 < xor> ISRHawk: you are welcome to do that :D 13:07 < ISRHawk> And the ignorance that I have heard so far in regards to unmanned drones is somewhat concerning, because I am willing to bet that most of these people have no real idea how the intelligence cycle works, and how much effort WE as analysts actually put into ensuring that we don't hit the wrong people. 13:08 < pettter> ISRHawk: so this is the right people to hit? 13:09 < xor> ISRHawk: what, are you piloting UAVs? in what country are they operating? 13:09 < xor> Afghanistan? 13:09 < ISRHawk> I don't pilot them, I am an analyst and my job is to develop patterns of life on the individuals we target before we are authorized to strike 13:09 < xor> O M F G 13:09 < ISRHawk> For the record, that drone was operated by the CIA, and it is truly unfortunate 13:10 < pettter> how are these individuals chosen? 13:10 < ISRHawk> but, I, personally, had nothing to do with it 13:10 < ISRHawk> pettter, that's classified. 13:10 < xor> please reveal it anyways 13:10 < ISRHawk> it's very precise, that's all I can say 13:10 < pettter> hahah 13:10 < ISRHawk> I can't do that 13:10 < pettter> well that's reassuring 13:10 < xor> why not? 13:10 < ISRHawk> Signals 13:10 < xor> ISRHawk: but you approve of killing people with autonomous robots? 13:10 < ISRHawk> I'll leave that to you to determine 13:11 < ISRHawk> I didn't say that, please do not put words in my mouth 13:11 < xor> sorry 13:11 < xor> it was more like a question 13:11 < vegalyra_> ISRHawk: what do you mean by 'patterns of life'? 13:11 < pettter> vegalyra_: spying to make sure they hit as few others as possible 13:11 < ISRHawk> I don't approve of the waste of human life in any way, but if it is going to protects Coalition Forces from people placing IEDs on the side of the road, then you're damn right 13:11 < xor> i has to go to my own job now. but i look forward to reading the backlogs once i arrive :D 13:12 < ISRHawk> I am getting ready for work as we speak, but I will be off for the next few days, hopefully I can clear up some of the conflicting information you may have received 13:12 < xor> please do :D 13:12 < pettter> ISRHawk: you know a better way? getting the fuck out of there 13:12 < ISRHawk> I don't have any intention of winning hearts and minds, because for the most part, I agree with you 13:12 < xor> pettter: no, i want to read his words!!! 13:13 < pettter> sorry, I should calm down 13:13 < pettter> xor: I was referring to the places where the residents are inclined to place IEDs 13:13 < pettter> which, afaik, isn't the case right here 13:13 < pettter> at least not yet 13:13 * pettter *BOOOM* 13:13 < pettter> guess I was wrong ;) 13:13 < ISRHawk> food for though, in the past 6 months reports from local nationals in Afghanistan have reported that they approve of coallition forces being present 13:14 < pettter> I don't doubt that there are people who like you being there 13:14 < ISRHawk> because they do not support the insurgency, and they understand what we are doing, because they are affected by IEDs as well 13:14 < vegalyra_> ISRHawk: áre you located in afghanistan or elsewhere? 13:14 < ISRHawk> I'm stateside 13:14 < ISRHawk> I operate out of northern california 13:14 < vegalyra_> in nevada? 13:14 < vegalyra_> ok 13:14 < pettter> but if you're going to act as policemen, you had better apply some actual open standards as to who you target 13:15 < ISRHawk> there are standards 13:15 < pettter> but they are classified 13:15 < ISRHawk> they are incredibly strict 13:15 < pettter> but they are classified 13:15 < ISRHawk> the standards are not. 13:15 < ISRHawk> target acquisition, however, is 13:15 < pettter> I asked you how the individuals were chosen to be eliminated 13:15 < vegalyra_> ISRHawk: how do you gather your data to determine the patterns of life? 13:16 < pettter> that is exactly the kind of standards that need to be open in order to foster a working government 13:16 < ISRHawk> pettter, I'm going to ask you this once, adjust your stance, and be a little more willing to listen to what I have to say, your tone is defensive for no reason. 13:16 < vegalyra_> ISRHawk: i would like to learn about your methods... as much as you are able to describe. 13:17 < pettter> Lead by example, that is the only way. That means the rule of law. 13:17 < ISRHawk> I understand, vegalyra_ and I will offer what I can 13:17 < pettter> ISRHawk: What standards are you talking about that is open? 13:17 < pettter> *are 13:18 < ISRHawk> well, for example, before a strike occurs, there have been times where I have watched a single individual for MONTHS at a time 13:18 < ISRHawk> just to determine that he is actually the guy we are looking for 13:18 < vegalyra_> ISRHawk: what methods do you use to watch the individual? 13:19 < ISRHawk> additionally there is an approval system for performing strikes, women and child must be verified not present, and generally we have to wait until the target is several KM away from a compound or a mosqu, and ALONE 13:19 < ISRHawk> children* 13:19 < ISRHawk> UAV assets vegalyra_ 13:19 < vegalyra_> ok 13:19 < vanja> all for money :) 13:19 < ISRHawk> there is no money to be made in what I do 13:19 < vanja> :) 13:19 < anti> ISRHawk: how does the watching proccess work exactly? 13:19 < pettter> That is really not relevant for you guys to act as a force of law though. It may limit collateral damage in regards to people _you_ regard as innocents, but there's no recourse for people getting targetted. 13:19 < vegalyra> i think it's very interesting. 13:20 < pettter> And there's no way to know who gets targetted 13:20 < ISRHawk> you obviously don't understand the intelligence process pettter 13:21 < pettter> ISRHawk: I understand that you are not waging a war. You are acting as occupiers, and intend to foster democracy. That would entail working as a police force rather than as an army. 13:21 < vanja> modern hunters 13:22 < ISRHawk> in addition to what I mentioned previously, 3 sources of intelligence are required to action a target, we must have Imagery of the tgt, as well as 2 additional sources, be those human intel reports, or Signals intelligence reports 13:22 < vanja> pettter: a disagreement - democracy has to come from inside 13:22 < vegalyra> IRSHawk: how often are the UAVs upgraded? and do you participate in field-testing of new models and features? ( user interface design, usability, accuracy metrics, etc.) 13:22 < pettter> And still there is no info on what a person might do to get targetted. 13:22 < ISRHawk> yes 13:22 < ISRHawk> they are chosen based on affilitation to insurgent networks 13:23 < ISRHawk> usually home-made explosive manufacturers 13:23 < ISRHawk> or IED makers 13:23 < ISRHawk> or emplacers 13:23 < ISRHawk> anyway, I do have to go now, I will be back later this evening 13:23 < ISRHawk> I hope you all have a good day 13:23 < anti> thanks, ISRHawk 13:23 < pettter> Same to you. 13:23 < vegalyra> ISRHawk: what is the current model of UAV that you work with? 13:24 < vegalyra> thanks bai 13:24 < ISRHawk> and take into account, that I don't necessarily agree with what I do, but I am making a living just like everyone else... 13:24 < vegalyra> :D 13:24 < pettter> "just following orders" 13:24 < vanja> :) 13:24 < ISRHawk> I work with MQ-9's and MQ-1's 13:24 < vanja> funny, I quit in such a position 13:24 < vegalyra> ISRHawk: thanks for being here. 13:24 < ISRHawk> I can't quit.... 13:24 < anti> Why? 13:25 < vegalyra> ok 13:24 < ISRHawk> I can't quit.... 13:24 < anti> Why? 13:25 < vegalyra> ok 13:25 < vanja> It wasn't wasy for me either 13:25 < ISRHawk> military contract, they own me 13:25 < anti> I see 13:25 < ISRHawk> anyway, talk to you all later! 13:25 < vanja> good luck 13:25 < vegalyra> o/ 13:25 < anti> See you 13:25 < taziden> thanks ISRHawk 13:25 < vegalyra> awesome 13:26 -!- ISRHawk [~ISRHawk@chameleon] has quit [] 13:26 < vegalyra> ISRHawk has left the building. 13:26 < vegalyra> :D 13:26 < taziden> :) 13:26 < vanja> maybe :)