1e31 IPv6 routing in 3 minutes - Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau

IPv6 routing in 3 minutes

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  1. Don't panic.
  2. This micro-tutorial is using static routing.

[edit] Put some ipv6 addresses on your interface(s)

ip -6 addr add c179:1234:5678::abcd:1/112 dev eth0
ip -6 addr add c179:1234:5678::1234:1/112 dev tap0
  • c179:1234:5678::etc should be the network prefix that you own (or prefixes you squat)
  • if you want to delete the addresses, type "ip -6 addr del X" where X is the address, possibly along with devices et.c.
  • you can have multiple ipv6 addresses for one singe device.

[edit] add routing

Assuming you have a setup like the one below (eg. openVPN + your internal network)

  [a]  [b]  [c]----....------[d]                    a = random computer
   |    |    |                                      b = random computer
   +----+----+                                      c = ip6 router & openVPN server
       LAN                                          d = openvpn client

We know..

  • That you have assigned a, b and c ip6 addresses from some part of your network. we assume c179:1234:5678::abcd:0/112 is your LAN.
  • That the openVPN link has addresses in something like c179:1234:5678::1234:0/112
  • The example above, where you defined your ip6 address, is for your router.

Configuring routing. (a, b, c and d are different computers.)

  • c# sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
  • a# ip -6 route add c179:1234:5678::1234/112 via c179:1234:5678::abcd:1
  • b# ip -6 route add c179:1234:5678::1234/112 via c179:1234:5678::abcd:1
  • d# ip -6 route add c179::/16 via c179:1234:5678::1234:1

(obviously a, b and d should have some sane addresses defined for their interfaces, that are unique..)

and that's it.

read more here: Linux 197f IPv6 HOWTO

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